Monday 25 August 2014

 Scientific name:  (annona squamosa) 
Atis tree is aesy to grow to plant atis we used its seed we can plant it to any soil and atis will grow the shape of the atis is circle when its ripe it’s ripe green there’s no change of color.
                        The seed of atis have a medicinal value like my cousin she haved a hair lice she do first she picked a riped fruit of atis the she collect the seeds then she pound to turn to a powder or pulp by beating snd made into paste thenshe applied it to solp of the heaD to kill hair lice she used the atis seed when her going to have a bath  but the one direction she said to me if we have to apply it  to our hair  we must have care when applying atis  seeds paste on the scalp because when it goes to our eyes it will cause  irritating .
The leaves of atis has also medicinal  value  my cousin used the leaves  of atis when she  have a fever she picked a young leaves of atis and put it into her head to make her feeling okay.
It is also used for fainting which is lacking of vigoror  strenght picked first atis leaves then it or to grind or pound into small pieces when it finish crush the fresh leaves at atis place it over the nose .
We can also use crush leaves of atis when we have a skin infection apply it to the part who have a skin infection it also used for diarrhea. All parts of atis have a medicenal value so that we have to plant atis


Atsuete-Atsuete or Achuete – Scientific name: Biva orillana Linon

English name: Annato
Tagalog:  atsuete
 Visaya sutis
The atsuete seed is the source of the non popular annatto colorant it sometimes called achito
The seeds are soureced to produce a carotenoid-based yellow to arrange  food coloring and flavor it scant describe as slightly pepery with a  hink of nutmeg snd flavor cor slightly nutty, sweet paper .
Atsuete is derived from the seeds  of the acheotic trees or tropical and subtopical regions around the world .
Atsuete have a medicinal value like a stomachache because my cousin have a stomachache she first  she picked come leaves of atsuete t6hen extacting two leaves of atsuete into juice, the juice is utilized for a natural for stomachaches .and she take a spoonful of the juice to tred;  on accertment of digosties  and stomach ailments  I still remember mother was using atsuete  to color some her favorite recipes. When  she was cooking she used atsuete  as caffron substiture  or we can used the atsuete by used to coloring rice dishes. The shop of atsuete  as circle nd its color is green. SO that we don’t have to abandon atsuete
Because  we can used atsuete  our food coloring if we have no coloring.


Scientific name: ocimum basilicum
English name: sweet basil
Tagalog: balanoy

                Balanoy is leafy and  flowering plant. Balanoy is easy to grow. We must plant a stem of balanoy on almost any soil and balanoy  will grow. It require tropical weather.
The leave are shiny long and the end of leaves are pointed the cola is green. Flower is color violet. All parts of bolanoy have a medicinal value.
                Like the seed it helps because my brother have a eye desease mother told me that seed of balanoy has medicinal value it used for  treatment.
To toothache pain and inflammation or Abadly becomes  red, hot, and painfull.

                The leaves of balanoy have a rheomatics pains  ho told  me that I will picked  some leaves  of balanoy  and boiled it into water for her both. It is also used in cough   I get cough. I boil aight tablespoon of fresh leaves in two glasses of water for 15 minutes or until the liquid is reduced tp half. It is also used in car  affliction the juice of leaves which wilol dropped in cars for carache and dullness of hearing. Tootache also with a small pieces aotton with juice of drushold leves and insert into toot equity, snake bites crush plant and poultice or soft  heated and medicated macs spread on droth and applied to a ssare or injury   and paste it to the qitten herbal medicine for disease problem. This recommendations for how to use this plant for health  benifits

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